Predicate {iqotaSar

Frameset: f1 "be limited to"

   ARG1: thing limited
   ARG2: limit


 (S (and |wa- | وَ-)
  (VP (be_limited_to/abbreviate/shorten+it/they/she |-{iqotaSarat | -اِقْتَصَرَت)
      (NP-SBJ (the+experiences/experiments |Alt~ajAribu | التَّجارِبُ)
	      (the+five |Alxamosu | الخَمْسُ)
	      (the+former/previous/preceding |Als~Abiqapu | السّابِقَةُ))
      (PP-CLR (on/above |EalaY | عَلَى)
	      (NP (NP (the+missile/rocket |AlS~Aruwxi | الصّارُوخِ)
		      (the+targeted |Almusotahodafi | المُسْتَهْدَفِ))
		  (and |wa- | وَ-)
		  (NP (body/form |-jisomK | -جِسْمٍ)
		      (other/another/latest | |xara | آخَرَ)
		      (one/single |wAHidK | واحِدٍ)))))
  (PUNC .)) 

وَ- -اِقْتَصَرَت التَّجارِبُ الخَمْسُ السّابِقَةُ عَلَى الصّارُوخِ المُسْتَهْدَفِ وَ- -جِسْمٍ آخَرَ واحِدٍ . 

ARG0: murAd wa- -EiytAniy~
Gloss: their 5 previous experience
ARG1: EalaY AlS~Aruwxi Almusotahodafi wa- -jisomK |xara wAHidK
Gloss: on the targeted missile and 1 extra body
ARG2: EalaY >ahAliy Al$~uhadA'i
Gloss: to the families of the martyrs
ARGM-TMP: -fiy AlxitAmi
Gloss: at the end
REL:  {iqotaSar